Civic Dollars Empowering Health and Community in West Belfast

Civic Dollars app users in the Falls Park with Lord Mayor Ryan Murphy

The Civic Dollars Project, funded by the Department of Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) through UKRI, aimed to incentivise healthier lifestyles and greater community engagement using a mobile app.

Conducted in West Belfast in partnership with the Upper Springfield Development Trust, the project ran from April 2023 to January 2024, focusing on the ageing population in socio-economically deprived areas.

In the heart of West Belfast, a remarkable change took place. The Civic Dollars project not only helped people embrace healthier lifestyles but has also brought a renewed sense of community to the area. From outdoor park walks to fitness classes and shared moments of connection, the project has become a lifeline for many, especially among the ageing population.

More than Just a Health Programme

For many participants, Civic Dollars has been about far more than fitness – it’s been about connection, confidence, and rediscovering a sense of belonging. Take Margaret, for example, a 72-year-old resident who, like so many, found herself increasingly isolated. Through the project, she signed up for dance classes and began meeting up with a group for regular walks in the local parks.

"It’s not just the activity that makes the difference," she says. "It’s the people. I’ve made friends, real friends, and we check in on each other. We walk, we talk, and it lifts your spirits in ways I never expected."

Margaret’s story is just one of many. Civic Dollars has allowed over 1,400 citizens to redeem rewards like yoga, fitness classes, and public transport vouchers – all earned by spending time in nature, keeping active, and staying engaged with their community.

Building Bridges Through Shared Experiences

One of the most beautiful outcomes of the project has been the sense of shared purpose it has created. Groups that started as strangers coming together for a class soon found themselves building meaningful connections. People like John, who participated in a walking tour and now feels like “a tourist in his own city”, formed friendships that continue well beyond the programme.

"The classes were wonderful, but what I’ll always remember are the friendships I’ve made," John shares. "We started as a group just looking to get a bit fitter, but now we meet up outside of class for walks or a coffee. It’s like we’ve built our own little community."

Participants have found new confidence in themselves, trying activities they’d never thought of before, from hydrotherapy to slow cooking workshops. And through these shared experiences, bonds have deepened – turning what could have been just another health initiative into something truly life-changing.

A Lasting Impact on Health and Happiness

It’s not just the immediate joy of participating that’s made a difference; it’s the lasting effects. Many, like Margaret, have seen their physical health improve – aches and pains lessened, breathing easier, and stress levels reduced. But just as important is the improvement in mental well-being. Civic Dollars has given participants a new sense of purpose, a reason to get out, to stay active, and to connect with others.

"I feel like a new person," Margaret admits. "Before this, I was just sitting at home most days. Now, I have something to look forward to, and I’m happier. I’m healthier. And I feel part of something bigger."

For the West Belfast community, Civic Dollars has been a catalyst for change. What started as a simple way to incentivise time outdoors has blossomed into a programme that touches hearts and minds. It has empowered individuals, strengthened community ties, and shown what’s possible when we come together with a shared goal.

Looking Ahead

“The West Belfast Project was an extremely special programme to work on.

Seeing the true impact of this technology reach those who might otherwise be isolated or marginalised, it’s exactly the reason that Civic Dollars was created, and being able to support people from all backgrounds, of all ages and physical abilities was incredibly important”

Stephen McPeake - Civic Dollars

As the project continues to grow, so too does the hope for its future. Many participants have expressed a desire for Civic Dollars to continue long-term, helping them maintain the positive changes they’ve made. And while the programme may only last for six weeks at a time, the impact is proving to be far more enduring.

The Civic Dollars Project in West Belfast is more than a success story – it’s a story of community, resilience, and the power of coming together. Whether it’s through a yoga class, a walk in the park, or simply sharing a cup of tea, Civic Dollars is helping people live healthier, happier lives – one small step at a time.


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